
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Avengers Movie Project Part 1: Iron Man

    I feel like I don't have to tell you all about the huge cultural impact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had on the landscape of the world as well as the film industry as a whole. This franchise has truly created a genre of superhero film that other studios dreamed of in years past. We've definitely seen many superhero franchises from the early 2000s have a big opening and then fizzle out in the second or third installment, but for slightly more than ten years now, Marvel has cranked out blockbuster after blockbuster. Once this series got going, we sometimes saw two movies cranked out in a year thanks to the several different teams working on the films, and while some have fallen a bit flat due to inopportune pacing, lame villains, or similar storylines, some of these movies have been real gems, being contenders not just in terms of Marvel movies, but genuinely good films overall. I know what you're thinking. Why am I talking about Marvel movies? Avengers Endgame

Super Mario 3D World: Where 2D meets 3D in the best ways!

     I've spoken before about my love of the Wii U. Even though it was a commercial failure, there were a lot of amazing games. Pikmin 3 , Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze , and many others come to mind, but none more so than what I am here to talk about today, Super Mario 3D World . This game was really something special, though unfortunately many people didn't get it because it was, as I said before, stuck on a console that didn't sell very well. This past Friday, however, that's changed with a remaster, called Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury , due to the added mode that they included with the original game. I'm so excited for people to get their hands on this title for the first time, and because of that, I'm writing this review-lite of the original game, and comparing it to the rerelease. This game is a great time whether you're by yourself or with friends, and even if you're more of a dog person (it'll make sense in a minute), it

My two favorite things merge! (Super Nintendo World)

      In the year 2012, a little console came out that I was excited for, though very few others were. The Wii U was released along with a pack-in game that came with the "Deluxe" edition of the console, called Nintendo Land . The game was a simple technical demo for the Wii U's functionalities, specifically showing off the possibilities that could come from the Wii U Gamepad, the controller with a touch screen on it, that would eventually pave the way for the Switch. Nintendo Land was really well themed, set up as a Nintendo-themed amusement park, having attractions themed after Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, etc. Even though this game was a relatively short tech demo, it really got me thinking about what I would want if someone were to actually make a theme park out of these classic properties. Fast forward to the year 2015, Universal Studios announced that they were working on a new themed area for Universal Studios Japan in

The prequels never looked so good! (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, In Memoriam)

     There are few things that fans of the Star Wars  franchise can agree on with the same certainty as the statement, "The prequels are the worst!" I never had too much of an issue with them, perhaps because I was too young to see the original trilogy in theaters, or perhaps because I was a little kid and much more open to things at that age. With the exception of Episode 2, I didn't have much of an issue with the prequels, I actually thought they were pretty good. As the years went by, however, I've grown to like them for how corny and weird they are, instead of thinking they're actually good. The prequel movies have gotten a lot of flack for a long time, but thankfully, Star Wars: The Clone Wars came along to actually improve a lot of aspects of the trilogy, as well as the series as a whole. This animated series began with a movie that was put in theaters for a time, and introduced the world to Anakin Skywalker's apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. In addition to int