
Showing posts from April, 2021

Maybe they won't save the world, but they'll definitely Avenge it! (Avengers Movie Project Part 5)

     This is the big one, folks. Everything that we've seen so far has led to this movie I'm talking about today. At this time, The Avengers was a monumental achievement, and the culmination of 4 years of standalone movies that could come together to be something greater. The incredible thing about the MCU though, is that it was really just getting started. Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America all had pretty impressive movies which were certainly smash hit blockbusters, but The Avengers put them all to shame, and raised the bar for the movies still to come. Obviously there were some issues and snags along the way, especially considering Edward Norton, who had starred in The Incredible Hulk in 2008 didn't want to return to reprise the role, so Mark Ruffalo jumps in as Bruce Banner here, and does a fantastic job overall. Let's get right to the meat and potatoes of the movie today, there are some serious threats that need to be addressed today, and the only people that ca

The Star Spangled Man Takes Center Stage! (Avengers Movie Project Part 4)

      We're back to covering Marvel movies today, friends. I'll be discussing one of my favorites from Phase one, but one that is seen by many as "pretty boring." I'm talking about Captain America: The First Avenger, and I was honestly surprised by the amount of well known actors that I had completely forgotten about being in this movie. This is a different story from the origins of Thor or Iron Man for sure, as Captain America is a character who wants to do the right thing from the beginning, and he stays with his convictions throughout this movie. Steve Rogers has to be one of my favorite characters from the MCU, and it's very clear as to why even from this first iteration of the character. He is so likable and has so much charisma right off the bat that you really want to root for him. We also get to see how World War II played out in the fictional comic universe, which I always think is kind of interesting, in addition, we see a lot of old cars, uniforms,

One of the Least Known Gems on 3DS (Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure)

     In the year 2012, rhythm games had already gone out of style. Gone were the days of a new Rock Band game every year, the most recent game in that series as well as  Guitar Hero had come out in 2010. Other than a few weird ones that peeked out every now and then, such as Nintendo's bizarre but incredible series Rhythm Heaven  (which has ascended to be considered a cult classic at this point), the rhythm genre had gone away. I'm here to talk today about a little game that I've actually never heard a single other person talk about in my life. It's a game called Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure . This game is so crazy and fun, I was almost convinced that I had dreamed it up. Surely someone else had played it though, right? Well, after a cursory examination on Youtube as well as the internet as a whole, a lot of people do remember this game, and very fondly at that! This game has a 76 on Metacritic, so clearly the critics weren't all in agreement on thi

Come on and Slam... Again? (Thoughts on the Space Jam 2 trailer)

     So I have to start this off by saying I know next to nothing about basketball. I don't know much about sports in general, and normally this would be a major deterrent to my enjoyment of a movie around sports.  Space Jam, however, is such a creative and strange idea that even though Basketball was the central theme of the movie, I still enjoyed it a lot when I watched it for the first time. It's been a long time since I saw it last, but it's such a weird premise that it's a movie that has always stuck in my mind. As a huge fan of cartoons in general, I was of course drawn in by the premise of the Looney Tunes interacting with the likes of real stars, Michael Jordan, Bill Murray, and Wayne Knight. It was a crazy movie that was done in the style of Who Framed Roger Rabbit with the animated characters interacting with the real ones, and sometimes causing the humans to act and behave in more cartoony ways. The year is now 2021 and clearly I wasn't the only one to be

The Avengers Movie Project Part 3: Thor

     So, now the time has come to cover one of the least liked Marvel movies from many opinions, Thor . Kenneth Branaugh, director of who knows how many Shakespeare adaptations, and an actor probably best known for his portrayal of Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, directed this movie, and his inspiration really shows. There are elements of this story that can somewhat echo something that Shakespeare would have in one of his tragedies, and the Asgardians use language similar to one of the Bard's plays. Thor is a somewhat stiff character for sure in his first outing, but throughout the course of the MCU, he evolves into a much more interesting and hilarious character. He's actually one of the funniest by the time  Avengers: Infinity War rolls around, but we still have a long way to go before that. Today I'll do my best to point out some of my favorite parts and characters that could definitely be considered fan favorites, even if some of them hav