
Showing posts from May, 2021

An Imagination Gone Wild! (Super Smash Bros.)

      If you know me, you know that I've always loved crossovers of any kind. I loved the TV specials as a kid where a character from one show just suddenly appears in another show to bond with the different characters of other shows. When I got a bit older, I loved the crossover elements of The Avengers movies and the "Arrowverse" TV shows in the same way. It should come as no surprise, then, that I've always been a huge fan of the Super Smash Bros. Franchise.  Even before I was able to play it because I didn't have a Nintendo 64, I was in love with the idea of all these different brands crossing over to fight each other. It wasn't until a cousin brought their Gamecube to a family reunion that I was able to play a Smash Bros. game, Super Smash Bros. Melee, which even in 2021 is a favorite in the fighting community. This game was incredible, and really introduced me to a lot of my favorite characters from video games period. I will admit that I was one of th

It's a game where you take pictures of creatures. Why would that be fun? (Pokemon Snap)

    When I was a young kid, Nintendo 64 ruled the day, and Playstation, its main opponent, was close on the console's heels. I got a Playstation when I was in first grade, and the next year, Gamecube and PS2 came out, so I ended up never getting a Nintendo 64 until the Wii had already come out. I heard so many things about the different amazing games for the old console, such as Super Mario 64 , Legend of   Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Stadium , Banjo Kazooie , etc. Among all of these however, I heard tales of a game called Pokemon Snap , a game where you just drove around in a car and took pictures of Pokemon. As a kid, I was completely baffled by this idea. How could any game like that be fun? On top of that, how was this a game to have a cult following of people who had all played and loved it? Well, I got it for Christmas one year after we got an N64, and I immediately understood the appeal. It wasn't just about getting pictures of these creatures, it was about setting

Post-Avengers-Stress-Disorder (Avengers Movie project part 6)

      Now it's time for a story that is decidedly a bit more dark than some of the previous MCU movies, one that includes domestic and foreign terrorism, PTSD, puppetmasters leading shadow threats, and worst of all... actors? Iron Man 3 is a weird movie, partially because it's the only one directed by someone other than Jon Favreau, and because of that, there is a slightly different feel to the proceedings. It's perceivable in the first moments that there are some real stakes in this movie, and a bit more peril and finality to it than some of the other ones. Pepper has a bigger role in this one, and this time around, for the first time, Tony really seems out of his depth. We get to see him outside of his element as the suit that he has is out of commission for most of the movie, and his house is destroyed. He ends up in Tennessee for a lot of the movie and... let's just get into this adventure that contains maybe the most twists out of any MCU movie. Is he still Iron

Spyro's successor (Ratchet and Clank)

     I've spoken before here about the Spyro the Dragon series, but I'm here to talk about the little brother, Insomniac's next series after Spyro, Ratchet and Clank . This series began in 2002 on the PS2 and there have been nearly 20 games since then. Though only one came out for the PS4, there are definitely still plans for Insomniac's beloved Lombax and robot team! With the upcoming release of Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart , I thought it would be nice to talk about this long running series. As much as I would love to talk about them all individually, there are just so many of them (many of which I have never played) that I feel like it would be better if I discussed the different periods of this series.. There are roughly 5 different time periods as far as I can tell, but we'll get into those in some of the body of this post. Grab the Omniwrench and your favorite robotic companion and let's skydive into this awesome series! A Tale of Unlikely Friends!    The