
Showing posts from June, 2021

Smash Bros: The Ultimate Party-Fighting game!

    When I last spoke about this game, there were still two unknown variables to the most recent Smash Bros. experience, but as of June 15, we only have one left. For those of you who don't remember or didn't read my first post about the Smash Bros. franchise, Super Smash Bros. is a long running fighting game series that began on the N64, and serves as a stage for all your favorite video game characters to fight to their heart's content. Though this series began as just a stage for Nintendo's best and brightest characters, it's been expanded over the years to where it is now, a true museum of video game excellence with characters from many top studios. I am getting a bit ahead of myself though, in my first post about this series, I spoke about the first three games, and in this one, I'll discuss the next two. While many felt that one of them was really the wrong step for the franchise, both of them continued the series to a point that made sense for the time, an

E3 2021 coverage: What happened and what I care about from it!

      This week, I've been fortunate enough to spend some time on the beach, and though I will admit to not being the biggest fan of sand between my toes, the rise and fall of the tide is quite interesting to watch, and it makes for a nice change of scenery in terms of places to write. The sounds of the ocean make for excellent background noise as I consider all of the things being announced this week, as the beginning of the week is E3 and I will be attempting here to cover most of the things that interest me. As of the time I'm starting to write this, many of the big announcements have already been made yesterday or the day before as part of the Microsoft, Ubisoft, or Square Enix livestreams, but the big one in my opinion is coming tomorrow. Nintendo is waiting until the last day of E3 to have their presentation, followed by three hours of continual coverage on things after that, which I'm certainly excited about, but I'll get to that later. This week, I'm going t

What does Captain America do when America turns on him? (Avengers Movie Project part 7)

     Hi friends, it has been a few weeks since I did a Marvel post, but I feel like I need to play a bit of catch up. First of all, my last post was about Iron Man 3 , so in terms of the actual movies in order, I should write about Thor: The Dark World,  but I'm not going to do that. That movie is just okay, and there's very little that comes out of it other than showing the potential of the Reality Stone, which will come in later. Other than that, the main points to remember for that one are that Odin is banished from Asgard with Loki disguised and sitting on the throne, Thor's mother dies, and Darcy is still a really funny and interesting character. Natalie Portman had more to do this time around, but ultimately isn't all that interesting of a character and is almost treated more like a McGuffin. This week, I'll be talking about Captain America: Winter Solder , which is definitely one of my favorite MCU movies, as well as probably my favorite one from Phase 2. Thi

The most beloved forgotten Nintendo franchises

     With E3 2021 just around the corner, tis the season for every gaming Youtube channel worth their salt to predict all of the things that will be announced at E3. Nintendo franchises all have their own fanbases, and every series won't release a new game this year of course. We already know about the Pokemon games coming out this year and in early 2022, though with this year being the 35th anniversary of Legend of Zelda and  Metroid , along with many other franchises, people are speculating exactly what Nintendo could have up their sleeves in order to celebrate, if anything. Among all of these different franchises, there are quite a few that haven't had a new installment in a while which will most likely get passed over again for various reasons. Today I'd like to talk a bit about these beloved franchises that really don't get the amount of attention or love that they deserve. It's actually surprising how many dormant Intellectual Properties (IPs) that Nintendo ha