
Showing posts from August, 2021

Sometimes a suit of armor around the world isn't the right call. (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

     It's been a few weeks since I've talked about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so I figured it would be a good time to get closer to the end of the second phase, and today we'll be discussing one of the most controversial entries in the entire franchise, Avengers: Age of Ultron . This movie marks the end of Joss Whedon's involvement in the MCU, and in a lot of ways, people were underwhelmed in the follow up to the original Avengers film. Though the pacing is a bit wonky and a lot of backstory isn't teased to its full extent, this film does mark something of a turning point in the universe as a whole. We have quite a few new characters in this one, so let's go ahead and get our super suits on as we jump into this supersized threat, this time being something manmade in collaboration with something a bit more celestial in nature. The next big thing from Tony Stark?     This movie starts not with a whimper, but with a bang. Apparently The Avengers have been dism

Gotta pay respect to an old friend! (Sonic 30th anniversary)

       Hey friends, so this year is the 30th anniversary of the original Sonic the Hedgehog and honestly I have not done my due tribute for the blue blur this year. I feel as though I need to do at least one post, and honestly probably several to cover the incredible and often troubled history for this anthropomorphic creature that we love ironically or not. Today I'll be covering Sonic's classic titles from Sonic The Hedgehog until Sonic and Knuckles , covering basically the classic era of Mario's greatest competitor when he was at his most competitive. Sonic is known today almost more for his various missteps on his path to greatness than his successes, so today, we're taking a step into the past to recall the days before Sonic was synonymous with hard rock and glitchy controls. Blast to the past!     Sonic the Hedgehog is a game about going fast. That's an adage that's been done to death, but it's really true, even though it is actually much more compl

Nothing but Dread in the 35th year for this franchise! (Metroid 35th anniversary)

     Back in 1986, Nintendo put out a game that took people to space. The company that put the platforming plumber on the map was tackling the final frontier with Metroid . While the series hasn't been super active in the past 20 years, August 6th, 2021 marks the 35th anniversary of that original game, so to celebrate that, I would like to recap a little bit of that history. Even though I haven't finished all of them, I have a loose understanding of the Metroid franchise as a whole, and it's a pretty wild story that is finally being continued this year with Metroid Dread. Dread is   a game that was first teased years and years ago in an interview that Reggie Fils-Aime, and wasn't seen for about 15 years. It's a wonderful time to have this discussion, and so today, I'm going to discuss some of the Metroid storyline. I'm honestly not sure how long this post will go, but we'll just have to see! Hop in your starship and get your Power Suit, we're head

A Simple Game about Climbing a Mountain. (Celeste review)

     Stop me if you've heard this one before. A girl has decided to climb up a mountain, then the path before her crumbles almost immediately and she begins to fall to her doom. That is, until a bird flutters by and tells the girl to press X to do a double jump. Not ringing any bells? Well, that would be because you haven't played a little game called Celeste . A game that starts with the simplest of ideas and stories, and evolves into one of the best indie games I've ever played. It's literally a game about climbing up a mountain, but it ends up being something much far greater than that. Today I'm going to be talking about Celeste, the little indie platformer that could, and while it does, it treads on deeper ground than anyone really thought it would. How can you do something without preparing for it?     In this game, you play as Madeline, a girl who's determined to climb Mount Celeste, even though she knows nothing about climbing up a mountain. Along her wa