
Showing posts from November, 2021

Finally we can determine some serious battles! (Early Thoughts on Multiversus!)

    Just off the heels of Smash Bros's final DLC being released, there was a Nickelodeon fighting game that was similar enough for people to speculate that it could be the "Smash-Killer." These people were mostly joking, and I don't think it was ever a serious suggestion that this new platform-fighter would dethrone the reigning champ, but there was a question lingering in the air. Will there be any more games in the near future to feed off of the hype that was fired by the constant 3 year long stream of DLC after Smash Ultimate 's release? That answer was given pretty soon after, in the form of leaks for a Warner Bros. fighting game. It seemed like every day, we got some new nugget of information about a new character or IP that would be included, and now that it is actually confirmed to be coming out next year, I'd like to talk a little bit about it. This won't be nearly as long as my other posts as I've been busy this week with all of the Thanksgivi

(Shad)ow, the (h)edge(hog)! (Shadow the Hedgehog, in review)

    Sonic the Hedgehog has always been a fun and child friendly character, encouraging kids of all of ages to have good times, but what would happen if Sonic Team suddenly decided to cater to a fanbase that they never had before... the angsty teenagers? That's exactly what happened back in 2005 with Shadow the Hedgehog . The character of Shadow the Hedgehog immediately gathered something of a fan following when he was introduced in Sonic Adventure 2 , so when the team had this idea, there was little doubt who the most likely character would be. To appeal to the video game-playing kids who were used to playing Halo and other first person shooter games of the day, Shadow The Hedgehog was created to be a Sonic game for the big kids. This game has some interesting quirks about it, but it still has a lot of classic 3D Sonic elements. In this post, I really won't talk a lot about the story... not because I care about spoilers, but because this time around the story is a huge mess,

Here's to the Fools who Dream (La La Land, in review)

     There are few movies that have come out in recent times that I've thought about as much or as deeply as I have about La La Land . At first glance, I really knew almost nothing about this movie other than the fact that it was a musical. I was actually even more confused by the beginning of it, as it starts out in black and white until it says "presented in cinemascope," so I thought it was going to be set in old times, maybe right whenever movies started being made in color, but then the whole opening scene is people sitting in a traffic jam in modern looking cars, so I got even more confused. As the movie progressed on, I was more and more confused as to who made this movie and what it was even about, to the point where the film reached its climax, and more so when it ended, I wasn't even sure that I liked it. Was the singing good? Kind of. Was the dancing good? It was pretty good I guess. The score is actually excellent, but the story really left me feeling conf

The Party Returns from Years Past! (Mario Party Superstars in review)

     Mario Party was an integral series to the Nintendo 64. It was one of the biggest selling points for the console that finally allowed for four players to play at once, along with Super Smash Bros ,  Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye 007 . This series has always held a special place in the hearts of Nintendo fans and people who play games of any kind, giving a perfect example of what a board game could be like in a virtual format. Nintendo's iconic plumber was not the only one to have a game of this type, of course, with Sonic and Pac-Man having games like this as well. There are also the bizarre properties that mimicked this style of game, such as Shrek Super Party and of course, Disney's Party , which not only had the Disney characters you know and love but also introduced... Billy the Ghost. Can I forget about Billy the Ghost? No, absolutely not. I thought I had forgotten about him until this minute, but he's back in my head... and I'm just going to move along now. M