
Showing posts from June, 2022

Cowabunga, dudes! (TMNT: Shredder's Revenge in review!)

     Hey friends, June has been a wild month, with tons of different games coming out, and with another one coming out literally today, I'm talking about one that came out last week. I've been on a bit of a beat-em-up kick recently, with some fantastic indie titles that came out in the past few years. Dotemu, the publisher of the recent Streets of Rage 4 partnered with Tribute Games, developers of Flinthook along with many other indie titles to make a love letter to the old-school beat-em-up games of yesteryear. While this isn't a new idea, they wanted to specifically pay tribute to the old "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" games, such as Turtles in Time , and I think they really knocked it out of the park with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, which just came out on June 16th. While this isn't the longest game by any means, considering you can do a full playthrough in an hour or two, it's still a really fun time and I just wanted to tal

Aloy comes out on top once again! (Horizon: Forbidden West in review)

     Hey friends, it has been over a year since I talked about a little game called Horizon: Zero Dawn , which was a pretty great time. I loved the character of Aloy especially, and while the platforming and climbing mechanics weren't quite to my liking, the combat and the story made up for it and made a pretty great experience. The first game made me interested in this premise, and the teaser of the major threat, Hades, being captured by Sylens after the credits rolled made me completely intrigued by what the sequel could be about. Would Sylens, who acted as Aloy's somewhat shady ally, act as the main antagonist on the second time around, as the narrative seemed to be foreshadowing? Would there be some other world-ending threat that Aloy would have to defeat? We would just have to wait and see. The time has come now to see what the world has in story for Aloy and the world as a whole, and boy is this a doozy. I'm going to try to write this post as spoiler-free as possible,

Nintendo Warriors: Spin-offs since 2014!

     In the year 2014, Koei Tecmo and Nintendo teamed up for a new kind of crossover that Nintendo hadn't been involved in before. The team at Koei Tecmo had made many warriors games over the years, the main series being Dynasty Warriors, as well as dealing with many other characters and properties like Gundam, Dragon Quest , and others, but with 2014's  Hyrule Warriors , the two companies allowed players to focus on a story that utilized many different characters, many of which hadn't been seen in a long time. With it being Hyrule, this game focused on the Legend of Zelda franchise and allowed players to take direct control of many characters that had never been playable before in a context that allowed the land of Hyrule to feel much more like a battlefield like in the Warriors titles. I'll talk about this and some more titles in this post, as well as talk about the new game that's getting ready to come out later this month. With all of this out of the way, get y

News time is here! (Update on new releases and announcements in June!)

     Hey friends, last week I talked about the games that are coming soon, and apparently the internet wanted to taunt me after that post. Almost immediately after I published it, the news broke that Sony was going to do a State of Play presentation on June 2 which will run for 30 minutes and focus primarily on third party releases as well as unveiling PSVR2 for the first time! Earlier this week, we got news that a new trailer was coming for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet , and that trailer aired this morning and I got so interested that I just decided to focus on that this week. I'll also talk about any potential news that comes out of the Sony State of Play, but I'll do it in chronological order, so let's talk about Pokemon first! An Open-World adventure!     Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are looking to be much more different than I originally thought. When I first reported on the games right after the first trailer, I talked about how the clothes were different depending on