
Showing posts from August, 2023

Gamescom 2023! Let's talk about it.

      Gamescom is always a fun time, and is hailed as the largest gaming convention, even if the games that I'm really interested in typically don't get much screen time in the opening ceremonies. There is always a mix of all different genres though it does seem like there are more shooter games than anything else. There's nothing wrong with that, I know that many times, games like that sell much more than other genres, but I really love some of the weird or out of left field things that are revealed in shows like this one. This probably won't be too long of a post considering the games that I was really interested in were restricted to a fairly limited selection, but I'll do my best to cover as much as I can as we go into this! Games for everyone!     The Geoff-Keighley-led show began with a short piano performance of the theme song of Starfield , followed by a short promotional video (with no gameplay) and a short interview with Todd Howard, one of the biggest nam

There's no one I'd rather be than me! (Wreck-It Ralph in review)

     As you all know, I love video games, and I love Disney animation. These have to be two of my favorite subjects to talk about in general. In 2012, they made a movie that actually combined these two things, called Wreck-it Ralph , and my hype levels were over the moon. In the first trailer, it showed scenes of Zangief from Street Fighter , Bowser from Super Mario Bros. (who hasn't been in many arcade games as far as I'm aware, but I'm still happy to see him), and Clyde, the orange ghost from Pac-Man , and I was blown away. How could a movie like this even be possible? I'm happy to say that the movie ended up being even better than I hoped it could be! Classic arcade characters everywhere you looked, references to video game lore, the list goes on and on. On top of this, the story was great and very relevant to me as well as many others. That's why today, I would like to talk about this movie and why it means so much to me and so many others. We're going into

The future looks bright for Spider-Man! (Marvel's Spider-Man in Review)

     We're a few months away from a fantastic friendly-neighborhood sequel, did you know that? In 2017, a game came out that really stood out. It's a new take on an old, very beloved character from a great developer who I've already talked about at length. That's right, I'm talking about Marvel's Spider-Man from Insomniac Games. Spider-Man is a great game, I have to say one of the best superhero games of all time. In this post I won't share any really big spoilers for the story, but I have to say from the top that this is among my favorite Spider-Man stories that I've seen, more than most of the movies. I love the movies, don't get me wrong, but I feel like this story handles a different take on the character and makes me root for Spidey even more than I already did! There is a darker story here than I thought there would be when I first started, but an immensely interesting one for sure. To pay tribute to the upcoming Spider-Man 2  game (the new o

Pikmin is back after 10 long years! (Pikmin 4 in review)

     Hey friends! I'm so happy to report that Pikmin 4 has lived up to my expectations and then some. Obviously it has been a long wait since Pikmin 3 first came out (which I can attest to, since it was right after I graduated from High School and before I went to College), but I can't say that I've missed it all that much while I've been busy with so many other things in that time. I hope that I can put my Dandori skills to good use in this post and utilize my time as effectively as possible while I tell you what Pikmin 4 brings to the table in a way that previous entries haven't. Don't Worry, Olimar is still in the series!     The game begins in a familiar way to fans of the Pikmin series. Captain Olimar has crashed his ship, and he's been putting the pieces back together with the help of the Pikmin residing on the planet. It's pretty much the same plot as the original game, but this time he has a large green dog named Moss who helps the unfortunate