
Showing posts from February, 2024

What a show! (Thoughts on Nintendo Partner Showcase 2/21)

 Hey friends! So the Nintendo Partner Showcase just finished a little while ago, and I just want to jump into some of the awesome stuff that we saw here today. Leading into the show, I saw many people groaning about it only being a partner showcase, and not a full first party Nintendo Direct, but as I recall, I wrote not too long ago about another partner showcase where they revealed some exciting stuff too! I was hoping for some exciting news, but I certainly didn't expect as much as we got! Let's get started right away, while I talk about some of the things that I was the most excited about from this week's show! Announcements Left, Right and Center!     To start out this 25 minute presentation, we got news of one of the Xbox games coming to other consoles. If you didn't hear, a few weeks ago, Phil Spencer went on a podcast and announced that 4 unspecified Microsoft games are going to be ported to other consoles that aren't Xbox, and after this presentation, we kn

Final Fantasy VII Remake part 2, don't mind if I do! (Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth demo)

 Hey friends! If you're anything like me, you've been getting excited for quite a few games that are coming up pretty soon, and one that has been sticking out is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth , the second part of the trilogy that is remaking the original Final Fantasy VII . There's a lot that we still don't know about it, other than obviously picking up directly from where Final Fantasy VII Remake left off, and the interesting thing about that game was that it was about the first 3 hours from the original game, but they stretched it out to be 30 hours long at least. The next game in this series is looking to be much longer, since it's going to be largely open world, while the first game took place entirely in the Midgar section of the original title. I'm really excited for it, but let's get into what we can expect, and what the demo revealed! You've gotta love flashbacks!     For anyone familiar with the original game, Final Fantasy VII, You probably remembe

Whoa... this is gonna be Epic! (Epic Universe thoughts)

      Hey friends! It's been a while since I've been able to talk about theme parks, so it's always a good time when new information comes out! Epic Universe has been in the works for a while, but I'm happy to say that they finally put out a video talking about all of the different areas of the park, even though they were pretty cagey about any new rides going into them, but I just have to say that I'm pretty excited to say the least. Today, we're gonna talk about the new park that Universal has in store for next year, let's go ahead and get started! You've gotta love a park with a high concept!     One of the most interesting things about this park is that they're wanting to build a story around the park itself, instead of having the park be just a park, the story is that you're entering a portal into other worlds, through the "Chronos," which takes you to the first area of the theme park, called Celestial Park. The thought is that the

Growing up with games (Thoughts on positive impacts of gaming on a person)

When I was little, many of my friends played video games pretty often, and as we grew up, many of them drifted away from the medium, many of whom didn't really want to be friends after they stopped playing. It was always a sad time for sure, but nothing lasts forever I suppose. I'm thinking a lot about my own personal background with gaming this week while I prepare for a pretty exciting trip that involves a discussion about how I began my history with gaming, and I thought I should share some of my credentials here this week, and it's funny that it has taken me this long to talk a bit about my times playing games. This week will be a little more self-reflective than I'm used to, somewhat to convince me that I'm worthy of talking on that topic. I'm getting to where I can accept that I'm deserving of good things, and my friends have felt that way for a while, so I would like to take a moment here before I begin to thank all of them for encouraging me. It'