An introduction to... me?

Hi everyone, 
My name is Jonathan Bowers and this is a new experiment for me. I've been trying to learn more about myself in these past few months, but I don't know how to do that. I'm going to be honest, I meant to start a blog or a Youtube channel a long time before now (Still planning the Youtube channel, and writing scripts for that), but it's taken a long time to actually do anything about it and I couldn't think of a name for a long time. I decided to go with "A Self-Proclaimed Dreamer" because I have a lot of ideas, thoughts, and other things, but I don't share them with anyone, they just live in my head (and laptop), so no one else would really call me much of a dreamer unless I know them super well. That's part of what this is about, I guess, sharing my thoughts with others. That means opinions, ideas for writing, and excitement about various different upcoming projects are all on the table. Upcoming projects is a phrase which here means, "video games and movies." I am definitely one of the biggest Disney fans that I know, and that goes double for Theme Parks, so definitely expect to see some content about Disney World on here. I'm trying to make this about things that I like and less about being an online journal, but sometimes the two go hand in hand, if I feel like it makes sense to include some tidbit about my life, maybe I'll include it, but I certainly will try my best to not forcibly subject you all to this. I'm excited for this project and I hope you guys will like it too! 
Hope to post again soon!


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