
Showing posts from April, 2024

Music adds a major layer to story!

     Hey friends, just wanted to talk a bit today about the power of music, and specifically how it adds to the world building and context of a few different things that I really love and that have impacted the way that I feel about certain things. Even though I didn't go into music in college to study it professionally or anything, like some of my friends have, I thought I would take just a little bit of time to go over a few of my thoughts as they pertain to my main four focuses here on A Self-Proclaimed Dreamer. That means video games, movies, TV shows, and theme parks, since I've not said it too often recently!   This is potentially going to be a bit of a weird post, but I hope you'll strap yourselves in, because it's time to strike up the band! A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow...     I could talk about the music in the Walt Disney World parks forever, but for the sake of easy reading, I'll cut my flow down to just a few examples. Of course, the "Carousel of

Bonjour, mes amis! Time for some Disneyland Paris news!

 Hey friends! A few years ago, I was doing some research on Disneyland Paris, and discovered that there are actually two parks. There's the main one, which mimics the magic of Disneyland or the Magic Kingdom, and then a second one, called Walt Disney Studios, which is a sister park to Hollywood Studios in Florida. I'm happy to report that they just announced some new expansions to this park (though someone who just went to Disneyland Paris told me that the construction was extremely visible to some of these projects when they visited), and I'd like to discuss it a bit. It's a pretty big deal to change the theming so drastically that they change the whole name of the park, but that's what they're doing right now. Let's talk a bit today about the newly named "Disney Adventure World," shall we? Welcome to the theater!     Once you enter this newly renovated park (once everything is finished), you'll enter through World Premiere, a walkway being li

What to write when you don't know what to write!

      Hey friends! A few weeks ago, a new friend (who has done pretty amazing stuff, if I may say so), asked me what it's like to write a blog, and that she had considered starting one for a long time and just hadn't yet. It really surprised me that she asked that, because it seemed to me that someone who has already put so many cool and innovative ideas into motion that she would be able to make a simple blog in her sleep, but it is something of an artform of its own. Today I would like to talk just a bit about what goes into my blog most of the time, and hopefully this will help to encourage anyone who is on the fence about starting a blog or any other artistic pursuit. Happy reading and writing!      The hardest part of the whole process is just to find something that you want to write about. In my case, since I write a new post every week, it's especially difficult, since there is a pretty high chance that there's not a new video game that I've just finished in

A good year for remakes and remasters! (Thoughts on Game releases coming up soon!)

      2024 is looking to be a pretty wild year, friends. Even though most of the games that I'm really looking forward to right now are remakes or remasters of older games, that's not anything too bad, considering how much I loved these games! I'm at the beach this week, and so I'm going to take it easy and just talk about a few things that are coming back from when I was much younger. First of all, this may not be the most popular list of things coming out soon, but I just want to take some time this week to talk a bit about these. 2004: A Paper-Thin Adventure     In the year 2004, I was in 4th grade, and a childhood friend told me about Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.  It was a weird looking game for sure, and one with an unmistakeable artstyle that I had only ever seen in screenshots for the original game in the series, Paper Mario . This time around, Mario had a bunch of new companions, a new locale outside of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a new journey that reall